If WhatsApp transactional services are approved?

This article will walk you through the things a digital marketeer should keep in mind and the possibilities of WhatsApp platform expansion.

WhatsApp being the top chat-app used worldwide with about 2 billion user base, has created opportunities for hassle-free international transactions with over 160 supported banks. Without a doubt, this chat-based app expanding its network exponentially. All these perks with the assurance of the security and confidentially that WhatsApp has been offering so far.[i]

Since transacting is easy anywhere around the world, for many sectors, like Finance and E-commerce, It will be a dominant platform to keep the competition shoulder to shoulder.

More importantly, we can expect rural audiences to interact and make transactions. Brands will be tap into this segment of the audience more conveniently.

Let’s quickly glance over the money transfer steps to understand the convenience:

  1. Select the payment icon in any contact
  2. It will take you to set up a UPI
  3. Once the UPI is linked, you can send the money to the desired person
  4. Select the amount you would like to send
  5. Enter your UPI PIN.

And you are all set!

Let’s peek at overall strategies a digital marketer can be ready for:

A lot of businesses where initial partial/token amounts are obligatory to be collected. WhatsApp UPI will be the first preference for all the marketers.

Thus, having a WhatsApp integration on each lead generation campaign irrespective of the industry is going to be mandatory.

Subsequently, it could be replacing the payment gateway in the coming days if worked out in order.

Although, it’s not only a competition for online transferring payment gateway. It will also replace the automated SMS system. Your mobile bills, electricity bill reminder can directly approach you on your most used chat-app and you will be paying right there while having a conversation with your friend rather than taking a ride on a new app. We should not be surprised to see new tools of WhatsApp analytics launching soon.

Undoubtedly, all the brands would want to focus more on What’s App Marketing.

In the future, WhatsApp could also allow brands to feature in stories for 24 hours and promote them efficiently.

Apart from this, we should expect more ad inventories on this App. Gradually, getting introduced in the market.

 (this part was there in google questions, I have just expanded it)

 In summary, What’s App UPI is going to turn the picture around for brands and it’s end audience.

Open ample doors of scalability and aid the finance flexibility. Wherein all audience segments will be benefiting unlike targeting a specific category. 


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