Digital Trends for 2021

Digital media has grown exponentially since the time most of the world has been forced to observe lockdown in order to lessen the spread of the deadly virus. It’s no brainer that the digital marketing trends for 2021 are going to be more aggressive; not only because digital is a fast growing space, but also the immense learnings and insights that has been gained during the Covid19 induced pandemic.

More data-driven and led by AI, automation tools to grasp more about the audiences, and not just to make them a customer, but also exponentially focusing on the customer retention.

It’s going to be vital how we capitalize the tools, platforms available to us to reach and convert the quality leads.


The recent updates by Google have penned down the importance of being organically well prepared for brand presence. As most of the digital budgets were cut off during lockdown hence paid media was on hold for many brands. As such times importance of being organically present is important.

AI Tool:

Less Manual interruption and smart calls are taken by this technology. Programmatic buying will be another platform where with aid of automation, marketers will obtain increased conversions at a low cost per conversion.[i]


Chatbots’ importance is known to everyone, a great engagement tool that can also be looked at for paid media marketing than just placing it on the website. Putting it across different channels like social media is going to be a game-changer as you will be addressing many audiences simultaneously and understand each person well. This could also drive insightful data-driven changes in your brand and level up your entire digital marketing approach.[ii]

Influencer marketing:

It not only gives a face to your brand but reaches its followers and broadcasts the message among their circle. Choosing the right influencers which resonate with your brand personality is a cherry on the top. Since your brand’s followers has also the same affinity and are likely to try out your brand.

Internet of things:

In this smart world where everything is so getting adapted on the blink of an eye, Internet of Things (IoT) is no different. With elevating lifestyle, no doubt IoT is going to stay and just evolve. IoT devices make your work efficient and gives great customer experience and collects a great data. Taking a smart decisions for smart living is surely going to be the way of 2021.[iii]

Virtual Events:

Although these started during the lockdown as social distancing was a mandate and also brands had to keep engaging with the audience. But it has becomes a part of the marketing as it has been tested that it is convenient and can be as effective as being present in the event for most of the industries. On the other way around, you are understanding the quantum of people interested in your business and instant feedback is the cherry on the cake.[iv]

Optimization Methods On Various Platform:

Investing on highly driven traffic platforms like Google and Facebook as they keep improving and introducing the new inventories to gain more engagement from the end user. This year won’t be any different as it likely to introduce more customization for your ads based on the Facebook IQ case studies.[v]

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